Wednesday, November 29, 2006

First post

well I can't lie and say that I never did this before, cause I did. I had a blog for years on, but I found that too many people found out about it, and I was using it as a personal diary and venting place, when you can't really do that when its open for all to see. So, I stopped. So why am I starting a new one? Well, my finance and his (my new) friends all seem to have one, and I find it interesting/it kills time to read their blogs, so I fiqured that I'd add another to the list of somewhat/kinda/not really/boring blog reads we all do when we want to kill time and make the day go quicker.

Plus, I have a business paper due tomorrow, and I have no idea what I have written so far.

Jon (the finance) came home last night with the first season of Grey's Anatomy on DVD. For whatever reason I didnt jump on the banwagon when this show first started. I did watch one show, but it was the one where Sandra Oh told the nurses to go get their bedpan, implying thats all they do. PS - I'm in nursing school and beyound crazy about telling everyone about the real life role of the nurse. To say the least, I did not want to watch that show after. But, somehow it grew on me. Stef - one of my best friends came over last weekend with Season 2 on DVD, and we watched a few shows. Granted I had about half a bottle of wine into me, but I liked it. So, after saying to Jon over a million times that we should rent one of the DVDs from blockbuster, he just went and bought it yesterday at the mall. And now we both love it. I had to turn it off though cause this paper is due tomorrow!

I've been reading a few ppl's blog, and I enjoy how Dave makes a list of things to do and then cross it off.. how do you do that? if only I was an engineer...Well I am going to be totally boring and list out stuff for myself, this is truely only to waste time.

Tomorrow - Friday1. Hope to God that I have this paper done by tomorrow - if not, I will be totally pissed with myself.

2. Drop off the paper - for whatever reason, this prof actually wants a hard copy.. HELLO EMAIL. I am too lazy, this hard copy crap means I have to get up, get on the bus, go to MUN, drop it off then just turn around and go back home? More then likely I will force Jon to come with, and then go to the gym.

3. Clean up our apartment. Honest to god, you can not leave anything out cause our crazy cat will try and eat/play with it. We have a 14 week old kitten, Guiness, she is black. She is also nuts. I just had to go clean up a bowl of chicken meat cause it was left on the counter (ahem Jon) and I didn't know. Next thing, Guiness has knocked it off the kitchen counter and is eating it off the floor. Into the storage room with you... devil cat.

4. Stef might come over and we will chill

1. Go to the walk in clinic and get a prescription refilled
2. Go the Health Science and study. I have not been there once this semester to study and my grades are showing it.
3. Celebrate with a nursing girlfriend her birthday with a lovely bottle of wine

1. Stay in bed all day with a hang over.

Finals are in a week, so I better get crackin...Kettle is boiled, gotta get back to this paper
Love your guts

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